Safeguarding Action Plan


Child Safety - Safeguarding Action Plan Template


This FREE Child Safety Safeguarding Action Plan resource can help organisations plan the development and implementation of their child safeguarding and protection solutions and in creating the foundations of a safeguarding culture.

Child Safety Action Plans are critical for helping to ensure organisational child safety objectives are adopted across all services and environments. When used correctly, they are also instrumental in driving a collective approach to safeguarding and supporting informed child safety continuous improvement

It is aligned to the 5 Core Components of Safeguarding and reflects international child safety principles. Example action points for each component are provided and customers have the flexibility to edit and tailor content to advocated and specific needs. Holistic Safeguarding must be acknowledged as the template source.

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Available for Purchase

Available for purchase, our Sport and Recreation Safeguarding Toolkit has been well received in Aotearoa and overseas! It is also a resource that some customers have taken forward as a tailored resource specific to their sport.

The Toolkit offers a step-by-step approach to creating the foundations of a safeguarding culture and the practical guidance and resources needed to strengthen individual safeguards and help take these forward.

For less than a staff member attending a 1-day course, you can support your whole organisation in making child safeguarding part of everyday thinking, practice and culture. Take a proportionate approach applicable to your organisation’s needs, scope, resources, abilities and timeline.